
時間:2023-12-12 16:34:20 作者:兩性共同奮鬥 熱度:兩性共同奮鬥
兩性共同奮鬥描述::2020英國大學傳媒專業詳解(二) 2020年英國大學傳媒專業的申請要求 BTV留學生金牌規劃師陳華老師 電話:18510256182 微信:chenhua2013想要留學的小伙伴直接聯系,24小時為您全方位規劃留學。 共有13個相關專業,偏理論與研究: Department of Media & Communications: MSc Media & Communications MSc Media & Communications (Research) (particularly for students wishing to pursue MPhil/PhD degrees or research-oriented careers) MSc Media & Communications (Media & Communication Governance) MSc Media & Communications (Data & Society) MSc Strategic Communications MSc Media, Communication & Development MSc Global Media & Communications (2 years, LSE & USC) MSc Global Media & Communications (2 years, LSE & UCT MSc Global Media & Communications (2 years, LSE & Fudan) MSc Politics & Communication Department of Psychological & Behavioral Science MSc Social & Public Communication Department of Gender Studies MSc Gender, Media & Culture Department of Sociology MSc Inequalities & Social Science MSc Culture and Society 申請條件: 1.雅思:7.0 (6.5) 2.均分:85-90+,人文社科相關方向,或其他專業+media & communication領域相關工作經歷(僅限MSc Media & Communications相關專業);大部分錄取的學生來自網大排名top 30,有相關實踐經歷會是加分項。 3.申請費:70英鎊 相關專業: Department of Culture, Communication and Media, Institute of Education Digital Media: Critical Studies MA Digital Media: Production MA Digital Media: Education MA 申請要求: 1. 雅思:7.0 (6.5) 2. 均分:85-90+, in a relevant subject (e.g. media studies, cultural studies, art, education, digital media, interactive media, English; 或者, 非相關專業+至少1年在education, media 和/或文化產業領域工作經歷 3. 申請費:75英鎊 BTV留學生金牌規劃師陳華老師 電話:18510256182 微信:chenhua2013想要留學的小伙伴直接聯系,24小時為您全方位規劃留學。 沒有純粹的傳媒專業: Department of Culture, Media & Creative Industries: MA Cultural & Creative Industries (500-word PS & 2000-word writing sample) MA Arts & Cultural Management (500-word PS & 2000-word writing sample) MA Global Media Industries (500-word PS & 2000-word writing sample) (7.0, R&W 6.5, L&S 6.0) Department of Digital Humanities: MA Digital Culture & Society (2 question responses) (英語或相關專業) MA Digital Asset & Media Management (2 question responses) (7.0, R&W 6.5, L&S 6.0) 申請條件: 1.雅思:7.0 (6.5) 2.不限專業,85 from 211/985, 90 from non-211/985 3.申請費:80英鎊 注:學費:22500英鎊(數字人文系), 23940英鎊(文化、媒體與創意產業系)(僅供參考) <華威大學> 相關專業: Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies MA Arts, Enterprise & Development MA Creative & Media Enterprises MA Global Media & Communication (in collaboration with School of Theatre and Performance Studies) MA International Cultural Policy & Management (in collaboration with School of Theatre and Performance Studies) Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies MA Digital Media & Culture 申請要求: 1. 雅思:7.0 (two at 6.0/6.5 & rest 7.0+) 2. 均分:至少85+,相關專業 3. 學費:20270英鎊(僅供參考) <格拉斯哥大學> 相關專業: Centre for Cultural Policy Research and Adam Smith Business School MSc Creative Industries & Cultural Policy (500-word PS) A bachelor’s degree in a relevant subject MSc Media, Communications & International Journalism (300-word PS) A bachelor’s degree in sociology, politics, economics, history or related social science subject. Centre for Cultural Policy Research, Adam Smith Business School and School of Law MSc Media Management (3 question responses in the admissions statement template) 申請要求: 1. 雅思:6.5 (6.0) 2. 均分:85+ 學費:17620英鎊, 18920英鎊(the 3rd one) (僅供參考) 更多詳情,請聯系美嘉老師詳聊!
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